Find Me Some Happiness

Sometimes we have days that are harder than others - life seems just a little bit more difficult, love seems to be playing hide and seek and our hearts weigh more than they did yesterday.... BUT then we remember all the beauty in the world and suddenly happiness peeks through our reverie like a single ray of sun....  I have trudged through today with my head down and my heart heavy so I have collected some images that bring a little sunshine into my world and help me remember all the things I love:

1. CLOCKS (slightly strange perhaps but I adore clock faces)

2. BALLOONS (my obsession with balloons is well documented - no surprises here!)

3. BLOSSOMS (= Spring!)

4. LOVEY DOVEY PHOTOS (after all, I am the most pathetic romantic that ever roamed the earth!)

Images: ffffound

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Find Me Some Happiness
Find Me Some Happiness
Reviewed by juragan asem
Published :
Rating : 4.5